Output of char * Variable

(from http)
A character string is of type char *. Suppose we want to print the value of that pointer,i.e., the memory address of the first
character of that string. But the << operator has been overloaded to print data of type char* as a null-terminated string.
The solution is to cast the pointer to void * (this should be done to any pointer variable the programmer wishes to output as an address.)

Restore Grub Menu

Reinstalling from LiveCD

https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindowsIf you cannot boot from GRUB 2 review the section Boot Problems and Rescue Mode. If a reinstall becomes necessary follow these instructions. Two methods are presented; both require booting from a LiveCD (Ubuntu 9.10, Karmic Koala or later version). If the first method does not work, follow the second method, which is more complex and contains more options and instructions.

SIMPLEST - Copy GRUB 2 Files from the LiveCD

How to load ImageIcon in aJava applet

// To load an ImageIcon in an applet, use this code:
ImageIcon img1 = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("a.jpg"));

// The following code doesn't work in an applet
ImageIcon img2 = new ImageIcon("a.jpg");

References of Computer Programming

  1. Algorithms in C++(3rd edition) by Robert Segewick.
  2. C++ Primer (4th edition) by Stanley B.Lippman, Josae Lajoie, Barbra, E. Moo.
  3. C++ How to Program (5th edition) by P.J. Deitel.
  4. Computer Networks (3rd edition) by Andrew S. Tanenbaum.
  5. Computer Systems A Programmer's Perspective By Randal E. Bryant

Spiral Numbers

Print spiral number array like this:

7 8 9 10
6 1 2 11
5 4 3 12

Given coordinates of a point, find the corresponding number residing on it.

There are many solutions to this problem. For example, find the number by looking for the relation(function) between the number and its coordinates. The code below solves the problem without using such kind of relation. Of course, the cost is the increase of running time.

java 乱码的解决方法

打开java控制台,在 java applet就是小程序设置部分java运行时的参数部分,加入如下参数:






吃了新鲜果蔬后,是否觉得嘴巴又麻又痒?那你就要小心了,这很可能是过敏的表现。12月13日,《美国新闻与世界报道》撰文指出,在美国,数以万计 的人患有口腔变态反应综合征,即在吃桃子、李子、梨、樱桃,或者红萝卜、芹菜后,会出现过敏的症状,但由于果蔬过敏的危害不如花生、牛奶等,因而容易被人 忽视。

中华医学会变态反应学分会常务委员、北京协和医院变态反应科主任尹佳教授告诉《生命时报》记者,在中国,这种情况也比较普遍。“近年来,我们接 诊的因食用果蔬而过敏的情况越来越多,患者一般会出现口腔水肿、突然憋气的症状,或者眼睛痒,打喷嚏、流鼻涕、等类似鼻炎的表现。”