Problems with inline functions in C++

(From http://)

Besides the problems associated with inline expansion in general, inline functions as a language feature may not be as valuable as they appear, for a number of reasons:

    * Often, a compiler is in a better position than a human to decide whether a particular function should be inlined. Sometimes the compiler may not be able to inline as many functions as the programmer indicates.
    * An important point to note is that the code (of the inline function) gets exposed to its client(the calling function).

    * As functions evolve, they may become suitable for inlining where they were not before, or no longer suitable for inlining where they were before. While inlining or un-inlining a function is easier than converting to and from macros, it still requires extra maintenance which typically yields relatively little benefit.
    * Inline functions used in proliferation in native C-based compilation systems can increase compilation time, since the intermediate representation of their bodies is copied into each call site where they are inlined. The potential increase in code size is mirrored by a potential increase in compilation time.
    * The specification of inline in C++ requires exactly one additional external definition of a function in another compilation unit, when the corresponding inline definition, that can occur multiple times in different compilation units, if that function is used somewhere. That can easily lead to linker errors because such a definition wasn't provided by the programmer. In particular, the C++ specification of inline does not require an additional non-inline definition of such a function. For this reason, inline in C++ often is used together with static, which gives the function internal linkage.

For problems with the optimization itself, rather than the language feature, see problems with inline expansion.

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